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Divine CBD Golden Milk Recipe

Turmeric root is highly regarded for it’s vast array of health-giving benefits. Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and health promoting properties.

This yummy recipe is a great alternative to a sneaky Cappuccino or other hot drinks. The spices add for a delicious chai taste, and the beauty of it is that you can adapt the recipe to include different flavourings to meet your needs. 

This recipe is broken down into two sections; 

  1. Making the CBD Turmeric Paste 
  2. Using the CBD Turmeric Paste to make CBD Golden Milk. 

This recipe for this paste will go a long way; making around 20-30 cups of delicious CBD Golden Milk!

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for the CBD Turmeric Paste

  • 100g of Turmeric
  • 75g of Coconut Oil
  • 1x cup of cold water
  • 1x tspn ground black Pepper (Piperine is incredible for enhancing the bioavailability of Turmeric)
  • 2x tspn Cinammon (Great for flavour, but also as a blood sugar balancer)
  • 2x tspn Ginger (From the same family as Turmeric & great for alleviating nausea & cramps)
  1. Pop the ingredients in a saucepan and heat for 5 minutes
  2. Add a little bit more water if required
  3. The end result will be a thick paste

Time to add some CBD Oil for an extra health & balancing kick:

For this recipe we used a whole pipette (roughly 20 drops) of our favourite 500mg 5% Gold Bristol CBD Oil. CBD evaporates once it reaches 170° , so we tend to add it at the end of cooking. This Gold CBD oil is great for cooking with because it doesn’t harbour the bitter flavour of our other CBD Oils. It’s perfectly disguised in food! 

Remember to give this paste a really good stir and mix the CBD oil well and truly in.

You can then pop the paste (once cooled) in a jar and it will keep for around 3 weeks

Here are your main ingredients & instructions for the CBD Golden Milk

  • 1x cup of plant milk (we love Oatly milk!) 
  • Cardamom seeds (adds a lovely chai flavour & great for the digestive system)
  • 1x tspn Turmeric Paste per cup of milk

To make this CBD Golden Milk:

  1. Use a saucepan set over low heat
  2. Add your plant milk, and then heat up to a gentle simmer
  3. Next up, add your yummy golden Turmeric Paste & stir until dissolved into the milk
  4. Once the paste has combined, let your milk cool slightly and then serve away!

Feeling cheeky? Why not whizz it up with a milk frother or stick blender! We love a sprinkle of Cinnamon on top…

Feeling adventurous? Add some Maple Syrup, or Honey to satisfy that sweet tooth!

If you do give this CBD Golden milk a whirl, let us know what you think. Please tag us on Instagram @bristolcbd so we can see your cuppa! 




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